

Do you really want to understand your emotions? Would you like to be able to respond more confidently to the emotions of others? Would you like a clear and understandable model that clearly explains emotions and their interrelationships? Then start your emotion training now! In just two modules, you will learn which emotions determine your life, when they become active and the tools you need to consciously control them and simply get out of unpleasant emotions.

Christoph Theile is the expert for emotional sovereignty
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Basic training in emotions

Emotions training consists of two basic modules: Module 1 - Emotions Basics with the Globe of Emotions® and Module 2 - Emotions for Advanced Learners with the Globe of Emotions®. They teach you everything you need to understand and activate your emotions and those of your fellow human beings.

Basic module 1

Entering the world of emotions

  • Neurobiological foundations of emotions and feelings
  • The 7 basic emotions and their needs
  • Evaluation - Your personal EQtex Professional
  • The Globe of Emotions® and its emotional language
  • Applying the laws of emotions in practice
  • Recognizing and using micromimics
  • Consciously perceive, understand and change your own emotions
  • Work on emotional cases of the participants

By participating, you will receive free access to your personal EQtex Professional strengths and learning field analysis.

Basic module 2

Advanced emotion navigation

  • Neurobiological deepening of emotions and feelings
  • The 7 basic emotions and their needs
  • Using emotions consciously for daily emotional challenges
  • Applying the laws of emotions in practice
  • The emotional change process for everyday life
  • Empathy as a core competence
  • The mirror technique of emotion professionals - decoding empathy
  • Emotional breathing techniques
  • Getting out of unpleasant emotions
  • Exercise on cases of the participants

Note: Prerequisite for is participation in basic module 1

The basis

Globe of Emotions®

The basis of our emotion training is the Globe of Emotions®. It is a model that depicts the basic emotions and their connection with the external environment and one's own inner world. It can be used in everyday life to recognize active emotions, define unmet needs and find the emotions that need to be activated to resolve a situation.

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Globe of Emotions® Front
Training trainer

The trainers

The emotion training is led by experts. They have been working in the field of emotions for years and pass on their knowledge to the participants in a practical and clear way.

Profile picture Christoph Theile

Christoph Theile

Author, emotion trainer & coach
GF Emotioversum
Profile picture Dr. Holger Liekefett

Dr. Holger Liekefett

Emotion trainer & coach
GF Emotioversum

Current dates for emotion training



The basic modules can be booked individually. If you book both modules directly together, you will receive the emotion training at an affordable complete package price!

Special Offer
Basic module

Entering the world of emotions

Learn the basics of emotions on a scientific basis and gain the know-how to deal with emotions.

Incl. EQtex® strengths and learning field analysis

Learn the basics of emotions on a scientific basis and gain the know-how to deal with emotions.

Incl. EQtex® strengths and learning field analysis

 1.190,00 €
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Special Offer
Basic module

Advanced emotion navigation

Learn how to apply your knowledge of emotions in practice and use what you have learned directly in everyday life.

Prerequisite: Completion of basic module 1

Learn how to apply your knowledge of emotions in practice and use what you have learned directly in everyday life.

Prerequisite: Completion of basic module 1

 1.190,00 €
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Special Offer
Complete package

Complete package "Emotional sovereignty"

The complete package includes both basic modules at the special offer price:

  • Entering the world of emotions
  • Advanced emotion navigation

The complete package includes both basic modules at the special offer price:

  • Entering the world of emotions
  • Advanced emotion navigation
 1.990,00 €
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Frequently asked questions

Do I need previous knowledge for the emotion training?

No, no previous knowledge is required. You can just get started!


Start your emotion training now

Are you ready to learn about emotions on a scientifically sound basis? Then book your emotion training now and use the skills you learn to take your life to the next level!

Start training now
Still undecided?

Ask us your questions!

If you don't yet know whether the training is right for you or you have questions about the details and implementation of the training, we look forward to hearing from you! We will answer your questions and provide you with a little more clarity. You can easily reach us via the contact form or via one of the following contact options:

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EQting GmbH
Wandsbeker Chaussee 212-214
22089 Hamburg
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+49 (40) 8888 2768
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