Globe of Emotions®

What is the
Globe of Emotions® ?

Why do we use a sphere that looks like a globe as a model to illustrate our emotions? Our earth as a globe is a wonderful metaphor for us to illustrate this complex topic. Just as our earth has mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, ultimately every person has their own inner mountains and valleys, their own Mount Everests and their own deep abysses. And just as on Earth, there is no beginning and no end emotionally on the Globe.

Globe of Emotions® Front
You and the others

The northern hemisphere

The northern hemisphere describes the need and the slow emotions that we as humans carry within us when we are with other people. From the North Pole to the equator, the path of increasing intensity of this emotion is represented in three increasing terms. Just as in our physical world, it becomes warmer, more intense and more active towards the equator of the globe. The term near the equator is always a verb, because the verb shows us - very specifically - what we need to do to actively use this emotion, to apply it.

Interested? Find out more in part 3 of our book!

About the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling"
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Globe of Emotions® Northern hemisphere
Your balance

The equator

The equator is the area of balance between the northern and southern hemispheres. Both sides are important to us and neither should be neglected, because we are social beings with an awareness of ourselves. The main need of emotion is found at the equator, which is divided into a "north need" and a "south need". All three together give us access to emotional balance.

Interested? You can find out more in part 3 of our book!

About the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling"
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Globe of Emotions® Front
You with yourself

The southern hemisphere

The southern hemisphere describes the slow emotions when we are completely with ourselves, completely focused on ourselves - some would say it describes our ego. We need this area to the same extent as the more social northern hemisphere for a happy life.

Interested? You can find out more in part 3 of our book!

About the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling"
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Globe of Emotions® Southern hemisphere