Globe of Emotions®

emotional leadership Intelligence

In the modern business world, emotional intelligence and an understanding of emotional laws are essential to be successful as a manager. Emotions influence decisions, motivation and cooperation at all levels of a company.

The Globe of Emotions® is the tool for understanding these dynamic forces and using them in a targeted manner. Experience how emotional leadership intelligence revolutionizes your leadership skills and motivates your team to top performance. Immerse yourself in the world of emotions and discover how you can take your company to the next level.

Analyze your Emotions for FREE
Christoph Theile with the Globe of Emotions®
Globe of Emotions® Front

Globe of Emotions®

The Globe of Emotions® is a model developed by experts to visualize human emotions and their dimensions. It illustrates the seven basic emotions and their connection with the external environment and one's own inner world. Using the Globe of Emotions® helps to recognize which emotions are currently active, which needs remain unfulfilled and which emotions can be activated.

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Emotion training

How well do you know your emotions and feelings? Which of your fulfilled and unfulfilled needs are activated by them? How can you become so aware of your emotions that you can control them and use them in your daily life to achieve your personal and private goals? If this interests you, then you've come to the right place for emotion training with the unique Globe of Emotions®.

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Guidance directly from the expert
Icon Learning together
Learning together
Icon Scientific method
Scientific methodology
Icon Practical orientation
Practice-oriented approach
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Emotion trainer

Become an emotion trainer

Emotions training teaches you to recognize, understand and activate emotions. In the basic training you will learn the basics, while in the advanced modules you can focus on teaching emotions in coaching, training or at school.

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Emotions in coaching

In coaching or mediation, emotions are the leading impulses. That is why it is essential for you as a coach or mediator to understand emotions and be able to teach skills in dealing with emotions. We show you how to do this in our emotions training!

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Emotions in training

Emotions play a key role in companies in particular - making it all the more important for managers and teams to understand emotions and develop emotional sovereignty. Emotions training teaches you how to communicate this skill and use it in your company.

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Emotions at school

The subject of emotions belongs in school and we will help you to implement it. With the emotions training and during the practical training, you will learn how to support young people on their way to emotional competence and a life full of self-confidence.

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Events, trainings and events

Sticker book plus EQtexBook cover "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling?"
Book to the Globe of Emotions®

Are we still thinking or are we already feeling?

The book by Nadja Kahn and Christoph Theile shows that both thinking and feeling belong together. It inspires readers to reflect on everyday (business) situations: Are we supposedly just thinking or are we just feeling? How do the two interact in an entrepreneurial environment? Through the exciting story of Maxi van Weller and her two companions Ratio & Emotia, readers are guided from recognizing to understanding to activating all emotions. They learn that reason and emotion need each other and go hand in hand. The story is rounded off with an explanatory technical section in which the Globe of Emotions®a unique system for classifying the seven basic emotions, shows that all emotions have their place in our lives.  

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The authors

Nadja Kahn & Christoph Theile

Nadja Kahn has been the founder and managing partner of the event agency Kahn Events GmbH since 2003, specializing in corporate events worldwide - live and online. Her long-standing clients include DAX companies as well as management consultancies, industry and insurance companies.

Christoph Theile is a multi-award-winning leadership developer and business coach on the international stage. Since 2018, the Hamburg native has been managing partner of the EQTing Leadership Institute.


Premiere reading in Hamburg

On April 19, 2023, the premiere reading of the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling?" took place at the Maritime Museum in the "Alte Liebe". More than 80 guests from various business sectors experienced a highly emotional evening.


The audio book for "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling?"

"Are we still thinking or are we already feeling?", the audiobook by Nadja Kahn and Christoph Theile, will be published in March 2024 and reveals the power of emotions in a captivating mix of business novel and reference book. Learn all about the "Globe of Emotions®" and its influence on our lives directly from the authors. A compact invitation to explore the balance between head and heart, ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the human psyche. Be inspired to shape your life more consciously.

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Stickers Free PDF for the audiobookAuthors Theile and Kahn recording the audio book for the Globe of Emotions®
Screenshots App Globe of Emotions®
The app for Globe of Emotions®

The Globe of Emotions®
for your trouser pocket and handbag

Do you want to really get going with your emotions? Then the Globe of Emotions® app is just right for you:

  • Introductory video to the Globe of Emotions®
  • Rotatable 3D model of the globe
  • Animation of the emotional laws
  • Explanatory videos and further information on each emotion
  • Recognizing micromimicry
  • Constantly updated problem-solving strategies for dealing with emotions for use as a manager, in your private life and for your health.
Google Play Store Download ButtonApp Store Download Button

Let your emotions be analyzed!

The EQtex emotions test developed by Christoph Theile and his team offers you the opportunity to find out more about your personal success principles and emotional "levers". Whether at work or in your private life, you are constantly in contact with yourself and other people. EQtex gives you structured and clear indications of how strong your access to your 7 basic emotions is - whether privately or professionally. With EQtex Professional and Leadership you will find the starting point for working on your emotional sovereignty. You can use your emotions to shape your life consciously, successfully and consistently.

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Sticker "Test your emotions now for free"

Discover our Emotions podcasts

Would you like to know more about emotions? Then listen to our podcasts! There we discuss emotions specifically for the Leadership area, for men and for anyone else who is interested and give you helpful insights and tips for using and dealing with emotions.  

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3 Men Podcast

with Christoph Theile, Dr. Holger Liekefett and Christian Sega

The 3-man podcast by Christoph Theile, Dr. Holger Liekefett and Christian Sega discusses phenomena and experiences relating to emotions in everyday life in a relaxed and interesting way. He explains emotions, questions clichés and shows ways to experience emotions more confidently.

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Emotions in Leadership

with Christoph Theile and Jochen Peter Breuer

The podcast deals with emotions in leadership. The two experts Christoph Theile and Jochen Peter Breuer deal with topics such as emotional sovereignty, the Globe of Emotions®, psychological safety and regularly interview interesting guests who they welcome on these topics.


Our store

We offer you a selection of products to help you strengthen your emotional intelligence. For example, you can buy the Globe itself, our book and coaching cards. All our products are created and tested by experts. They are based on scientific findings and practical experience.

Globe of Emotions® in box
Globe of Emotions®

Globe of Emotions® as a three-dimensional model made of silk

Each piece is unique, hand-sewn and sustainably produced.

Limited edition with certificate of authenticity.

Experience the Globe of Emotions, printed on the finest silk and hand-sewn with love in Germany. Choose your personal copy from two versions: 14 cm with valve for easy inflation or 16 cm diameter, self-inflating. A piece of craftsmanship that makes emotions tangible.

Discover the silk Globe of Emotions - your key to a world full of emotions! Experience how 7 emotions shape you and your relationships. Find out how you can live in emotional sovereignty with yourself and the people around you (at work or at home). With each turn of the globe, you will discover a practical guide that shows you how to master each emotion. Immerse yourself in a colorful adventure of the emotional world!

Book cover "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling?"

"Are we still thinking or are we already feeling" from Nadja Kahn and Christoph Theile

Entertaining, innovative and surprising
with free access to EQtex Professional

The book by Nadja Kahn and Christoph Theile shows that both thinking and feeling belong together. It inspires readers to reflect on situations from everyday (entrepreneurial) life: Are we supposedly just thinking or are we just feeling? How do the two interact in an entrepreneurial environment? Through the exciting story of Maxi van Weller and her two companions Ratio & Emotia, readers are guided from recognizing to understanding to activating all emotions.

Available in the following variants: 

- With personal dedication by the authors
- With free access to EQtex
- As an audiobook CD
- As an audiobook for download from Audible

Emotion card set Globe of Emotions®
Globe of Emotions®

Emotion cards Globe of Emotions® Set

Eight high-quality cards, printed on both sides.

Rediscover the world of your emotions with the exclusive emotion cards at Globe of Emotions®! Each of the high-quality cards is dedicated to one of the basic human emotions and reveals the deeper needs and ways of activating them on the front. Immerse yourself in understanding your emotional world by learning how needs and feelings are connected.

On the back of the card you will find valuable information about the character of each emotion, the underlying emotional laws and insights into facial expressions and body language. With these cards in hand, reading and understanding your own emotions and those of the people around you becomes an enriching experience. Whether for personal insight or as a tool in professional counseling, these emotion cards are your key to deeper emotional awareness and understanding. Don't miss out on this opportunity to raise your emotional sovereignty to a new level!


Frequently asked questions

Which emotions are positive and which are negative?

We - the authors - are convinced that there are no negative and positive, no bad and good emotions. Every emotion has its justification and shows you which need is not currently being met. You can find out more about this in part 3 of the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling".

Can you really control your emotions?

We distinguish between fast and slow emotions. The fast ones are faster than our mind, they cannot be controlled. But the slow ones can be controlled if you know how. You can find out more about this in part 3 of the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling".

Do emotions really follow laws?

This fact is one of the major findings in the overall concept of "Globe of Emotions®". Emotions react to each other according to clear rules. This makes it possible to understand and categorize people's emotional reactions. You can find out more about this in part 3 of the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling".

What do beliefs and emotions have to do with each other?

Our emotions have shaped us since early childhood. Some emotions are lost to us through our upbringing, school years and special experiences in life, or we lose contact with them. This creates the basis for beliefs. Emotional sovereignty is the way to dissolve them. You can find out more about this in Part 3 of the book "Are we still thinking or are we already feeling".

"Christoph Theile really impressed me with his depth and empathy. He is calmness personified and can recognize and deal with emotions very quickly. I was able to experience him live on stage, he has developed a ball of emotion that helps you to quickly recognize how your emotions are. Very authentic and competent. Thank you for the inspiring time, I was able to take away valuable tips. THANK YOU, always happy to come back!"

Rita Graf

What is the Globe of Emotions? What empathy and emotions have to do with good leadership? Why emotions are so important for professional (and personal) success? Christoph Theile is THE expert on this. His presentation was funny, entertaining and very inspiring. Christoph Theile lives what he does and does what he lives. Highly recommended.

Raika from Lentz

Christoph Theile is sensational with his presentation. He manages to get to the heart of an extensive topic with ease and humor. He generates new perspectives and thus creates the basis for personal development. Thank you for the fireworks of impulses!

Ingo Stefan

Christoph Theile with EQting and its Globe of Emotions®, for me the undisputed number 1 in Germany for emotional sovereignty in the company.

Hermann Scherer

For me personally, simply the guru when it comes to emotions in companies.

Sven Schulze

I recommend EQting to anyone who really wants to put their company in the fast lane, because I know that emotion is the future!

Katja Propfe

The joint training and coaching sessions on emotional leadership, emotional sovereignty and Globe of Emotions® are a real and helpful enrichment for me. Thank you for that. I am all the more pleased to now be able to read up on one or two of them again in the form of a book. I can only recommend the topic of emotive leadership to every manager, especially those who have already taken part in many "classic" leadership seminars. The Globe of Emotions® opens up a completely new perspective and provides hands-on assistance for the everyday life of every manager.

Rene Fresen
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Contact us

Getting in touch is always emotional - for you and for us. If you have a burning question, then you have rediscovered your child's eye emotion - how wonderful! Feel free to give us a call.

Our assistant Juliane Fröhlich is available for you personally on the phone between 9 am and 2 pm. Otherwise, just send us an email or a message!

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Wandsbeker Chaussee 212-214
22089 Hamburg
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+49 156 791 697 23 (weekdays from 9-12 a.m.)
+49 (40) 55444456 (with call answering service)
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Would you like to learn more about emotional sovereignty? Would you like to receive tips and tricks on how to better manage your emotions? Would you like to keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in this exciting field? Then register now for Newsletter Globe of Emotions® ! Registration for Newsletter Globe of Emotions® is free and non-binding. You can unsubscribe at any time. But we're sure you won't want to do that. Because Globe of Emotions® is your guide to a happier and more successful life. What are you waiting for? Sign up now and discover the world of emotional sovereignty!