Christoph Theile with the Globe of Emotions®

Complete package "Emotional sovereignty"

Steigere deine emotionale Souveränität und spare dabei: Unser Komplettpaket vereint das Seminar „Einstieg in die Welt der Emotionen“ unter Christoph Theiles Leitung mit dem Seminar „Fortgeschrittene Emotionsnavigation“. Beginne mit einer tiefgehenden Erkundung der Emotionen, verstehe ihre neurobiologischen Grundlagen und lerne, Emotionen mit dem Globe of Emotions® gezielt zu steuern. Das Seminar bietet praktische Übungen zur Mikromimik und emotionalen Fallarbeit, ergänzt durch eine persönliche EQtex Stärkenanalyse, die deine emotionalen Kompetenzen fördert.

The advanced seminar expands your knowledge with advanced techniques and strategies, including emotional breathing techniques and exit strategies from negative emotions. You will learn how to adapt emotional dynamics in everyday life and actively shape emotional change. Both seminars together offer a holistic educational experience that will transform your interpersonal relationships and wellbeing, with the benefit of savings compared to individual bookings. Take the opportunity to book both courses at a special price and invest efficiently in your personal and emotional development.

Price including VAT.
 1.990,00 €
Note: You will receive an e-mail with access to the emotion analysis after your purchase.
Savings advantage through complete package
Practical application
Integrated learning concept
Exclusive access to tools and analyses
Your advantages

Understanding emotions at last

Savings advantage through complete package

By booking both seminars as a complete package, you benefit from an exclusive savings offer that allows you to invest in your personal and professional development without exceeding your budget. This financial incentive, combined with the comprehensive learning offer and exclusive resources, makes the complete package a particularly attractive option for anyone looking to invest in their personal and professional development.

Practical application

The seminar places a strong focus on the practical application of what has been learned. By recognizing micromimicry and the conscious perception and control of one's own emotions as well as working on emotional cases of the participants, the content is not only conveyed theoretically, but also made tangible and applicable in everyday life. This practice-oriented approach helps participants to effectively improve their emotional skills and apply them in various areas of life.

Integrated learning concept

The complete package combines two tailor-made seminars that build on each other - from 'Introduction to the World of Emotions' to 'Advanced Emotion Navigation'. This structured progression enables participants to develop a sound understanding of emotional dynamics and build on this to master advanced emotion management techniques. This holistic approach ensures a profound and sustainable development of emotional intelligence.

Exclusive access to tools and analyses

Teilnehmer erhalten besonderen Zugang zu einzigartigen Tools wie dem Globe of Emotions® und der EQtex Professional Stärken- und Lernfeldanalyse. Diese Instrumente bieten nicht nur tiefe Einblicke in die eigene emotionale Landschaft, sondern ermöglichen auch eine gezielte Weiterentwicklung persönlicher emotionaler Fähigkeiten. Sie sind exklusiv im Komplettpaket enthalten und stellen einen erheblichen Mehrwert dar.

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