Christoph Theile with the Globe of Emotions®

Entering the world of emotions

Dein Einstieg in die Welt der Emotionen mit dem Globe of Emotions®

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Emotionen und entdecke mit dem innovativen Seminar „Einstieg in die Welt der Emotionen mit dem Globe of Emotions®" unter der Leitung des renommierten Trainers Christoph Theile, wie du deine Gefühle und die anderer besser verstehen und nutzen kannst.

Erforsche die neurobiologischen Grundlagen, die sieben Basisemotionen und ihre Bedürfnisse, und lerne, Emotionen gezielt zu erkennen und zu steuern – dank der einzigartigen Methode des Globe of Emotions® und seiner Emotionssprache. Mit praktischen Anwendungen, von der Mikromimik bis zur Arbeit an realen emotionalen Fällen, bietet dieses Seminar tiefe Einblicke und effektive Werkzeuge, um Emotionen bewusst wahrzunehmen, zu verstehen und positiv zu beeinflussen.

As a special bonus, you will receive free access to your personal EQtex Professional strengths and learning field analysis, which will help you to expand your emotional skills in a targeted manner. Don't miss the chance to sharpen your emotional compass with this seminar and take your communication and self-awareness to a new level!

Price including VAT.
 1.190,00 €
Note: You will receive an e-mail with access to the emotion analysis after your purchase.
Understanding the emotional foundations
Seminar led by emotion experts
Practical application
Individual personality analysis
Your advantages

Discover the power of emotions

Understanding the emotional foundations

Participants not only gain an insight into the neurobiological basis of emotions and feelings, but also explore the seven basic emotions and their underlying needs. This in-depth understanding forms the basis for effective emotional self-regulation and interpersonal communication.

Seminar led by emotion experts

The seminar will be led by Christoph Theile, a recognized author and one of the most renowned emotion trainers in the German-speaking world. His expertise and deep understanding of the dynamics of human emotions not only offer participants valuable insights, but also the security of learning from one of the best in the field. Christoph Theile's award-winning methods and personal experience are incorporated into every element of the seminar, ensuring a top-quality learning experience. This combination of in-depth specialist knowledge and practical experience guarantees a deep insight into the world of emotions and offers participants a high-quality learning environment.

Practical application

The seminar places a strong focus on the practical application of what has been learned. By recognizing micromimicry and the conscious perception and control of one's own emotions as well as working on emotional cases of the participants, the content is not only conveyed theoretically, but also made tangible and applicable in everyday life. This practice-oriented approach helps participants to effectively improve their emotional skills and apply them in various areas of life.

Individual personality analysis

An outstanding feature of the course is the opportunity for each participant to carry out a personality analysis. This individual analysis enables the targeted identification and further development of personal emotional skills and thus promotes personal and professional development.

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