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Emotion analysis

EQtex Professional - Your in-depth emotion analysis

Discover a new dimension of emotional intelligence with EQtex Professional and navigate the complexity of human emotions in your work environment with unprecedented clarity. Our in-depth analysis takes you on a fascinating journey across the Globe of Emotions®, where you recognize which emotions have a strong connection to each other - whether they come into play in interactions with others in the northern hemisphere or are deeply anchored within yourself in the southern hemisphere.

This detailed emotion assessment is more than just a mirror to your soul, it's a guide that shows you how to effectively use your emotional strengths and grow from your challenges. Understand how you respond emotionally to the needs of your employees, managers and colleagues and discover ways to build an even stronger connection with them.

The EQtex Professional is not just a test, it is a tool for personal and professional growth. By recognizing how your emotions interact with those around you, you open the door to deeper insights and stronger relationships in the workplace.

We invite you to try out this innovative version of EQtex Professional. Be inspired by the accuracy and depth of the assessment and take the opportunity to not only explore but also shape your emotional landscape. Take the first step on a journey towards more emotional resonance and effectiveness in your everyday professional life. Your emotions are the key to your success - discover now how to navigate them masterfully.

Price including VAT.
 14,90 €
Note: You will receive an e-mail with access to the emotion analysis after your purchase.
Strengths analysis
Projection to the Globe of Emotions®
Recommendations for personal development
Detailed evaluation
Your advantages

Recognize your emotions in a professional environment

Strengths analysis

Another highlight of EQtex Professional is the analysis of your strengths, which is derived directly from your individual emotional concept. This analysis identifies the emotional resources that you use most effectively and shows you how you can make targeted use of these strengths in your everyday professional life. The findings from this strengths analysis enable you to understand and use your unique emotional skills as key elements for success and satisfaction in your job.

Projection to the Globe of Emotions®

The results of the EQtex serve as a kind of personal map of your emotional landscape, based on the concept of the Globe of Emotions. This visual representation helps you to get a clear overview of which emotions you resonate with the most and how they are linked to your deeper needs. These insights are particularly valuable as they help you to deal more consciously with your emotions and work specifically on their development.

Recommendations for personal development

Based on the emotional evaluation, EQtex Professional generates individually tailored recommendations to help you develop your full potential. These suggestions are designed to enhance your emotional strengths and turn challenges into learning opportunities. They offer practical strategies and exercises to enhance your emotional competencies, which can lead to improved relationships and increased job satisfaction.

Detailed evaluation

A central feature of EQtex is the visually appealing representation of the expectations that others have of you in comparison to your own self-assessment. This graphical comparison allows you to immediately and intuitively identify discrepancies and matches so that you can work specifically on harmonizing your self-perception with external expectations. This promotes a deeper understanding of your role in your working environment and helps you to position yourself and communicate more effectively.

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