Technical article

New article in HR Today

Tears in the workplace are often seen as a career killer - but new perspectives show: Emotions, used correctly, promote authenticity, collaboration and health - as Stefan Sohst and Christoph Theile explain in their new article in HR Today.

The problem with feelings at work

Whether joy, anger or determination - some emotions are accepted in everyday working life. Tears, however, are often taboo. Women who cry are considered "too sensitive", while men who show tears are labeled as weak. But this attitude is not only outdated, it is also counterproductive. Simply ignoring emotions is neither possible nor healthy. Emotions are a central component of our actions. They influence how we perceive information and make decisions. Suppressed feelings, on the other hand, disrupt this process. Anyone who constantly swallows disappointments or insults risks not only psychological stress, but also performance blockages.

"Most employees don't dare to show their emotions."

The benefits of emotionality in the workplace

The benefits of an open emotional world in everyday working life are enormous: shorter meetings, fewer conflicts, higher productivity and a stronger bond within the team. Emotional authenticity creates trust and enables employees to contribute their full potential. Shared emotions - whether tears or enthusiasm - not only strengthen collaboration, but also the health of everyone involved. You can read more about this in the article.

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