Technical article

Author contribution from Christoph Theile at XING spielraum

In the article "No more sentimentalism: why emotions are also useful in the job", Christoph Theile explains why emotions are essential for success and authenticity in the job.

Emotions create trust and conviction

Emotions are often considered disruptive in everyday working life - but the exact opposite is the case. Showing emotions makes an authentic and convincing impression on others. In professional situations such as presentations, appraisal interviews or conflicts, a targeted emotional approach enables you to inspire and convince the other person.

"People who suppress their feelings don't seem authentic and rob themselves of many opportunities."

Conflicts are healthy

Of course, tensions and differing interests are unavoidable in companies. However, according to Christoph Theile , conflicts should not be avoided, but resolved constructively. This requires emotional sovereignty: the ability to recognize and control one's own emotions and to defuse them in others. Emotions at work are not a weakness, but a strength. Companies that promote emotional intelligence benefit from greater creativity, stronger cohesion and increased productivity.

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