
Using emotions correctly in coaching

Would you like to focus on emotions in your coaching? Would you like a model that clearly explains emotions and their interrelationships to your coachees? Then train to become an emotion coach now! In a total of four modules, you will learn how emotions influence thinking and how to use this knowledge effectively in your coaching sessions.

Globe of Emotions in coaching
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Basic training in emotions

Die Emotionenausbildung besteht aus zwei Basismodulen und zwei Spezialisierungsmodulen. Die Basis bilden dabei die Module Basismodul 1 – Grundlagen Emotionen mit dem Globe of Emotions® und das Basismodul 2 – Emotionen für Fortgeschrittene mit dem Globe of Emotions®. Darauf aufbauend kannst du dich mit den Module Masterclass I für Coaches und Masterclass II für Coaches spezialisieren.

Basic training
Basic module 1

Basics Emotions with the Globe of Emotions®

Basic module 2

Emotions for advanced users with the Globe of Emotions®

Advanced modules
Advanced module 1

Masterclass I for coaches

Advanced module 2

Masterclass II for coaches

The basis

Globe of Emotions®

Die Basis unserer Emotionenausbildung ist der Globe of Emotions®. Er ist ein Modell, das die Basisemotionen darstellt sowie deren Zusammenhang mit der äußeren Umwelt und der eigenen inneren Welt. Er kann im Coaching dazu eingesetzt werden, die aktiven Emotionen zu erkennen, die unerfüllten Bedürfnisse zu definieren und die Emotionen zu finden, die aktiviert werden sollen, um eine Situation zu lösen.

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Globe of Emotions® Front
Training trainer

The trainers

The emotion training is led by experts. They have been working in the field of emotions for years and pass on their knowledge to the participants in a practical and clear way.

Profilbild Christoph Theile

Christoph Theile

Author, emotion trainer & coach
GF Emotioversum
Profile picture Dr. Holger Liekefett

Dr. Holger Liekefett

Emotion trainer & coach
GF Emotioversum


The basic modules can be booked individually. If you book both modules directly together, you will receive the emotion training at a favorable complete package price!

Special Offer
Complete package

Complete package "Emotional sovereignty"

The complete package includes both basic modules at the special offer price:

  • Entering the world of emotions
  • Advanced emotion navigation

The complete package includes both basic modules at the special offer price:

  • Entering the world of emotions
  • Advanced emotion navigation
 1.990,00 €
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Frequently asked questions

Do I need previous knowledge to train as an emotion coach?

This training is not an officially recognized coaching training. It is designed as additional training for already trained coaches.

How can I integrate the skills I have acquired into my coaching sessions?

During the training you will learn all the methods and receive all the necessary documents and tools to apply what you have learned in coaching.


Become an Emotion Coach

Are you ready to use emotions in your coaching on a scientifically sound basis and teach your coachees emotional competence? Then book your training as an emotion coach now and use the skills you learn to take your coaching to the next level! You can book the modules individually or as a complete package and off you go!

Start your training now
Still undecided?

Ask us your questions!

If you don't yet know whether training to become an emotion trainer is right for you or you have questions about the details and implementation of the training, we look forward to hearing from you! We will answer your questions and provide you with a little more clarity. You can easily reach us via the contact form or via one of the following contact options:

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EQting GmbH
Wandsbeker Chaussee 212-214
22089 Hamburg
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+49 (40) 55444456
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