Header video course "Healthy emotions"

Healthy emotions

More than 3.5 hours of video course with lots of exercises
Do you want to take your emotional well-being to a new level? Then you should definitely watch the "Healthy Emotions" video course. Developed by a team of experts from various disciplines, this course offers you a deep insight into the world of emotions - innovative and practical.

The course starts with the basics: what are emotions and how do they influence us? Then we continue with the different emotional worlds that we all know. You will learn how emotions arise and how you can learn to better understand and control them.

The practical exercises and tasks that you will do between sessions are particularly effective. They not only help you to apply what you have learned, but also to better understand your own feelings. And as a bonus, after completing the course - and taking a short test - you will have the chance to talk to the course leaders and other participants. You can share your experiences and get valuable tips in a webinar.

In short, the "Healthy Emotions" video course is an ideal opportunity to work on your emotional well-being. With a mixture of theory and practice, supplemented by sharing with others, the course offers you everything you need for emotional strengthening.

39,90 €
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Increase your emotional well-being
Exchange with like-minded people and experts
Directly applicable knowledge
Developed by experts
Your advantages

The course for your emotional well-being

Increase your emotional well-being

The whole course is about improving your emotional well-being. You will not only learn to understand your emotions better, but also how to use them to your advantage. This knowledge will help you to be calmer and happier in everyday life. Theory and practice go hand in hand, complemented by the exchange with others, to offer you a comprehensive program for your emotional health.

Exchange with like-minded people and experts

Once you have completed the course and the short test at the end, a special treat awaits you. You'll have the chance to talk to the course creators and other participants in a webinar. Share your experiences, ask questions and get tips - a great way to learn from others and share your own insights.

Directly applicable knowledge

You can put what you learn here into practice immediately. With practical exercises and tasks that you do between sessions, you apply your new knowledge directly. Not only will you understand your feelings better, but you will also learn how to actively deal with them.

Developed by experts

This course has not been thrown together, but is the result of collaboration between experts from different fields, a proven emotion expert and a doctor who is confronted with emotional situations on a daily basis. This combination of medical knowledge and emotional understanding guarantees a well-founded and holistic approach. This means for you: You get first-hand insight and knowledge that is broad and deep - perfect for understanding the complex world of emotions.

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